Life cycle analysis of the recycling process for construction & demolition waste management: A study of Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Sharadbala Joshi, Dhaval Monani, Asima Sahu

Anant Centre for Sustainability, Anant National University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Cite this article: Joshi, S., Monani, D., Sahu, A., 2024. Life Cycle Analysis of the Recycling Process for Construction & Demolition Waste Management: A Study of Noida, Uttar Pradesh. J. Appl. Sci. Innov. Technol. 3 (1), 10-19.


Rapid urbanization in India has led to a boom in the construction sector, which uses a lot of natural resources, is the largest contributor to greenhouse emissions, and is a leading generator of Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste. The C&D waste is either disposed of at designated landfills or is illegally dumped in open places. Due to limitations on land availability, funding, transportation, and other factors, C&D waste management has been extremely difficult for Urban Local Bodies since the adoption of the C&D Waste Management Rules in 2016 (MoEFCC). The other challenges for managing C&D waste are its estimation and characterization, as well as the limited demand for products made from recycled C&D waste. The Anant Centre for Sustainability decided to evaluate the environmental influence of the C&D waste recycling process at an operational C&D waste recycling plant in Noida using the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) approach. The LCA of the Noida plant revealed that transportation of the waste and minute particulates of the inert waste are the main contributors to environmental pollution. Further, the demand for the products produced from recycled C&D waste is not large enough to substantially reduce the use of natural resources in the production of construction materials. The study showed the need for further policy interventions and greater efficiency in the recycling facilities.

Keywords:  Construction & Demolition Waste; Life Cycle Analysis; C&D Recycling Plants; Recycled Products

Scope: Environmental Science & Engineering

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